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初一课文原文 初一语文课文原文

2024-07-28 09:04 多肉植物 来源:


1、初中英语第一册课文第一课teacher:good morning,class.student:good morning,teacher.teacher:sit down,please.teacher:My name is Gao Hui.What is your name?LiLei:Li Lei第二课1.Han Meimei:HelloJim:HelloHan Meimei:My name is Han Meimei What's your name?Jim:My name is Jim Green.2.Jim:How are you,Miss Gao?teachter:Fine,thank you.第三课1.Li Lei:Hello,Jim!How are you?Jim:Fine,thank you,Li Lei.How are you?Li Lei:I'm fine too.2.Gao:Good morning,Mr Wang!Wang:Good morning.Sit down,please.Gao:Thank you.第五课1.KateGreen:Hello!My name is Kate Green.2.Jim Green:Hello!I'm Jim Green.Polly:And I'm polly!3.Gao:Hello!Are you Wei Hua?Wei Hua:yes, I am.4.Hello!are you Lu Ming?Li Lei:No, I'm not.I'm Li Lei.第六课1.Li Lei:Hello,Jim.Jim:Hello,Li Lei.Li Lei:This is Wei Hua.Wei Hua,this is Jim.2.Jim:Hello, Wei Hua! Nice to meet you.Wei Hua:Hello,Jim!nice to meet you.How are you?Jim:Fine,thank you.And you?Wei Hua:I'm OK.第九课1.Ms.:Good afternoon!Sir:Good afternoon!Ms.:Are you Mr Green?Sir:No,I'm not.Ms.:sorry.2.Li Fen:Excuse me!Are you Mr Green?Mr Green:Yes,I am.Li Fen:Oh,good!I'm Li Fen.Mr Green:How do you do?Li Fen:How do you do?第十课Teacher:What's your name,please?Sun Huimin:My name's Sun Huimin.Teacher:Can you spell it,please?Sun Huimin:Yes,S-U-N Sun,H-U-I-M-I-N Huimin.第十一课1.Li Lei:Jim,what's this in English?Jim:it's a book.2.Li Lei:What's this in English?Jim:It's a pen.Li Lei:And what's this?Jim:it's a desk.第十二课S: Good Morning ,Miss Gao .T: Good morning!What's your name,please?S: My name is Fang Xiaoling.How are you,Miss Gao?T: I'm fine ,thanks . And you?S: I'm fine,too. Excuse me,Miss Gao, what's this in English?T: It's a book .S: Can you spell it ,please?T: Yes. B-double O-K,book .S: Thank you.Goodbye!T: Goodbye!第十四课Han Meimei:Hi,Ann!What class are you in?Ann:I'm in class3,Grade 1.Are you in Grade 1, too?Han Meimei:Yes,I'm in Class 4.第十五课1.Li Lei:Polly,what's one and two?Polly:Er.um.four.Li Lei:No!Three!2.A : How old are you ?B : I ' m eleven. How old are you ?A : I ' m twelve .3.A : Are you ten ?B : No ,I ' m not. I ' m eleven. Are you twelve ?A : Yes,I am.第十六课A: Hello ! What ' s you name?B: My name is Ma Lili.A: How old are you?B: I ' m twelve. What ' s your name , please?A: Mrs Read .B: Can you spell it , please?A: Yes . R-E-A-D , Read.B: How old are you?A: Ah , it's a secret!第十七课Li Lei:What's this in English?Jim:It's a clock.Li Lei:And what's this?Jim:It's a pencil-box.第十九课Li Lei:What's this in English?Jim:It's a bike.Li Lei:What's that in English?Jim:It's a bus.Li Lei:Is that a car?Jim:No.it isn't It's a jeep.Jim:Look!That's a car.Li Lei:Yes.It's a Chinese car.Li Lei:Is that an English car?Jim:No,it isn't.It's a Japanese car.Jim:That's an English car!第二十一课1.A : Who's that ?B : That's Su Weifang .A : How old is she ?B : I think she ' s twelve .2.A : Who's that ?B : I think he's Mr Zhang .A : How old is he ?B : I don't know .I think he's very old .第二十三课1.T:Is everyone here today?S:No.T:Who's not here?S:Liu Fang is not here.T:Is she at school today?S:Sorry,I don't know.S:No,she isn't.T:Where is she?S:I think,she's at home.2.SAM : Hello ! 6098724 .MIKE : Hello , Bill ?SAM : No , this is Sam .MIKE : Hi,sam .This is Mike. How are you ?SAM : Fine , thanks , Mike .MIKE : Is Bill in , Sam ?SAM : Sorry , he ' s not at home .MIKE : OK.Thank you. Goodbye !SAM : Bye !第二十五课1.A : Excuse me ! Is this your pencil-box ?B : Yes,it is.A : Here you are !B : Thank you .2.A : Is this your eraser ?B : No , it isn ' t . I think it ' s her eraser .A : Han Meimei , is this your eraser ?C : Yes , it is . Thanks !A : That ' s OK .3.A : Where ' s my cup ? Is that my cup ?B : No , I think it ' s his cup .A : Jim , is this your cup ?C : Oh , yes , it is .A : Here you are .C : Thanks !A : But where ' s my cup ?第二十六课A : Excuse me ! Is this your picture ?B : Yes , it is.A : It ' s very good !B : Thank you.。


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